We had lots of fun for #2s recent space birthday party. We laid out sparkly cardboard hats, brown paper bags and star stickers for the kids to get creative.
We decorated the house with some lamintated stars (old wrapping paper) and rocket ship pictures, put some puffy stickers on our drinking cups and chopped up a big cardboard tube to make stargazing telescopes.
The original plan was to decorate stuff with stickers, eat cake and then to take the group of boys down to the local park. There we'd play some soccer, go on a moon rock treasure hunt, play comet tag and generally run about. Then come home for iceblocks. Easy.
Except it was raining when we got up so we hastily came up with a few more inside things to do. We played pin the star on the rocket, pass the parcel (thanks again to those play cloths) and made our moon rocks into pet rocks after we'd found them. Oh and played twister too!