I know I've been blogging for years, but 1000 posts!! Surely I have something else I should be doing?
Oops! This poor wee angel fell off of the tree. Better get the hot glue gun out!
Got this idea from Your Home and Garden magazine. They're very cute, but remember what you've done with them when you need your star shaped cutter for something and spend ages searching for it. Not that I did that of course, oh no not me ;o) Okay maybe just once.

Although I didn't make too many birds and houses, we do have a lot of these mice on our tree. They're so easy. Two pieces of felt and a candy cane. We made heaps of them with the kids at the school Christmas craft market. I was one of the mummies doing crafty stuff with the kids while the parents could do their Christmas shopping in the school hall. Next year if I don't make gifts that'll be where I get them from. It was a really good night.