sleep issues

Our boys are generally pretty good sleepers.  They've shared a bedroom for most of their wee lives which has led to them both being quite heavy sleepers.  We can change one's bed in the middle of the night, with the lights on, and the other will sleep through the whole thing.  Lately though they're having issues, going to sleep late and waking early.

Little one likes to chat and keep big brother up for hours some nights.  We seem to spend quite a bit of time grumping at them to go to sleep.  I have a strong feeling of deja vu about this too.  I may have even blogged something similar not long ago.  Anyway it's gotten to a point recently where we've been separating them and putting one into our bed to go to sleep, then moving him back once they're both asleep.  Finally last week we bit the bullet and have moved big brother into his own room (so long sewing/spare room).  Sorry grandparents you might be getting an air bed next time you visit, we'll have to get a better one.  So far the bedroom thing is working really well.  The early waking eldest (often before six) is now able to read or play by himself without disturbing the wee one, which in turn means that he's getting at least another hour of sleep a night.

We watched a fascinating thing on TV (Jo Frost Extreme Parental Guidance) about kids sleep and how it really affects their ability to think and complete simple tasks.  They experimented on nine year olds who got an average of 10hrs sleep.  When they reduced that sleep to 8 hours a night, the kids mental age went down to age seven.  When they increased their sleep to 11+ hours, their mental age (in various psych tests) went up to twelve!  Amazing huh?  If you want to watch it yourself it's on the TVNZ on demand site for about another week.  Speaking of sleep it's almost midnight... I should go and get some!  Goodnight x


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