My blog originally contained all sorts of photos, from all sorts of cameras not just the good one. Then I started doing some professional photography work and thought that I'd better just post my best pictures... and that I really shouldn't complain or be miserable or generally be my real self. Like I had to be flawless or something.
I've pretty much stopped all sorts of professional photography now. I do an occasional job for a magazine but that's about it. And you know what, it feels so good. As much as I love photography I didn't love the business of photography and it took a while to realise that no matter how much time I gave it, that wasn't going to change.
So now my littlest is almost off to school and I'm wondering about where my life will head. As much as I love editing and miss my work at TV3 the hours will never be family friendly. I really want to be here for our boys after school and for dinner at night. I'm leaning strongly towards Early Childhood Education, to being a kindy teacher. I'm going to see if I can do a few days work experience in a couple of different centres to make sure if it's the right thing for me. I realise that I'm in such a lucky position to be able to retrain and start a different career. That I don't have to rush out and grab a job and put the kids in after school care. I'm so tired and waffling that I mightn't even end up posting this. But it's honest at least even if waffley.
So the original point of this post (which got massively sidetracked!!) was to show you the photo list that I just made for the kids to get stuff done in the mornings. I've been grumping at them a lot this week and been getting stressed out about getting out of the house. I know that me getting cranky does nobody any good.
I let them take photos of each other yesterday (they were up at 545am so we had time!) doing their morning things and have printed and laminated them so that they can cross them off with a white board pen. If you want to see it bigger just click on it. Will let you know how it goes. My hope is that it might help the little guy to get things done without being asked a million, zillion times. I really must go to bed now. Would love to hear from you if you read this far!!!
(editied to add photo of boys using list on Friday morning.)