unpacking a challenge!

I was super excited last month when I was contacted by Balsam Hill inquiring if I would be interested in participating in their upcoming "Light Up The Night" Challenge promoting their all-season products that aren't traditionally part of their Christmas + holiday offerings.   I have coveted their gorgeous Christmas trees for a very long time, but I wasn't aware that they had other products as well.  So, I thought this would be a fun challenge and a good way to share this information with you too!  They offered to send me several items and the challenge would be to see how I would use them to decorate an outdoor space that can be enjoyed both during the day and at night.

What Balsam Hill had no way of knowing was that I had only recently come to the conclusion that I really wanted a fire pit on the terrace.  Dan and I have talked about one for years, but our image for a fire pit was either a large antique iron cauldron or a stone-ringed pit.  Both of choices seemed heavy and permanent and we just couldn't commit to that idea.  I had started looking around at all the usual local sources, but nothing had the "it" factor for me, nor did they seem well-made.  When Balsam Hill  offered to send me a fire pit I was thrilled!

I was literally giddy that the Balsam Hill fire pit has a solid copper bowl!  "IT" factor...  check
 Isn't it beautiful?!  Ella helping me unpack the boxes:)

I really love the neoclassic European scroll work design on the base.  I think it beautifully balances the visual of the large copper bowl.  The die-cast construction is made from one solid piece of metal with no welds or weak points.  It is made of cast aluminum so is lightweight and rustproof.

They also sent the spark guard cover which was really important for me since the terrace is close to the house, along with a couple of other goodies!!!  So, I hope you'll join me tomorrow when I show you how I used everything on the recently repaired terrace!  You can let me know how you think I did with the "challenge"and see the summer terrace!

Oh, and there will be a special coupon just for you:)
See you tomorrow!!


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