Why Indians Are So Obsessed With Fair Color ?

Recently Giriraj Singh, one of the foot in mouth kind leader of ruling  BJP made certain comments on Sonia Gandhi which created a kind  of small political storm. He said that she was made Congress Chief because of her fair skin, had she been a Nigerian people would have not given her this opportunity. The entire political class across  the party line (except BJP) reprimanded   him like anything.It even invited sharp reaction from the Nigerian quarters.

But honestly speaking, obsession for fair skin is some how deep rooted in Indian Psyche. It is something very unlikely in many African and Asian country. Not surprising, lighter skin color, which we the North Indian call Gora Rang is a kind of bench mark of beauty, the girls with lighter skin has higher chance of getting a match from richer family background. With the result, fairness creams lotions, gels and other products is a multi-milllion dollar business in our country. the fact remains that most of Indians are not fair skinned thus millions have complex about their skin color.

Do not level me racial, but the fact is many jobs in India dark skinned people are rarely employed. Air Lines Crew, Hospitality Industry, Service sector prefer only fairly skinned girls.I was referring to Indian Psyche relating to color, from ages white color is used in context of clarity, purity and cleanliness while dark color is used to describe opposite. We believe from ages that white is clean and dark is dirt . This is also carried through when we refer to same colors in context of a person's skin.

But there is opposite of this is also true in certain cases. Dark color is also in much demand but in a different context, shiny black hair is associated with youth and good health, a young girl how beautiful she is but have white hair will reduce her demand !

To me, the white color is associated with European or Caucasian origin people, these countries were richer, considered more successful . They were also perceived as happier lot. From the beginning of 19th century, their media dominated globally, their images made a deeper impact in the mind of average India.Darker skinned people were associated with those who are poorer, working in sub-human condition in hot sultry sunny wheather hence darker skin shade, less aspirational.

The challenge is how to fix it. If we separate our aspirations from skin  color and broaden our understanding of what is attractive in a person-is it just skin color or is it physical fitness, a charming personality, an aura of knowledge and intelligence. take an example of Ex President APJ Abdul Kalam, where ever he goes he spellbound audience with his knowledge, enthusiasm and oratory, no body  bothers about shade of his skin color. Film Star Rekha is also one of the glaring example, she has worked very hard on her physical fitness, maintaining her figure, dialogue delivery,acting skill,  charming smile and ruled over the Bollywood scene for long time. Singer Michael Jackson is also another example, despite of his darker skin he ruled over global music scene due to hissinging  style, dancing skill , in the market scene which is still ruled by white skinned people.

Fiction writer Chetan Bhagat says that our skin is just our soft outer covering, no more than a couple of millimeter thick. Its main purpose is to protect our internal organs and aid sensation.In the process the skin color is of less relevance. What makes a person more beautiful is more than the outer wrapping, we have to find out these things probably by doing so we can make our life more beautiful. 

An Urdu Poet has summerized color philosophy in a beautiful couplet :

                  गोरे रंग पे न इतना गुमान कर गोरा रंग दो दिन में ढल जाएगा 


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