Non Resident Desi Tourists in America and Europe

As the month of  May or June draws closer , a new kind of tourist season starts in America, Canada, Europe especially in the cities where persons of Indian Origin with decent disposable income are concentrated. This is absolutely a new category of tourists in these countries, I call them Non Resident Desi Tourists. You can find them now a days in plenty in all the major cities as well as places of tourists attractions in these countries.

Who falls under this new category of tourists? Predominantly parents of Green Card Holders/HIB workers and PIOs working in all kind of techie,software  as well as top end jobs. Most of the  time, there travel and other expenses are borne by their children, some of them come of their own but their number is comparatively very less. It is utmost desire of well-off knowledge workers of Indian origin that their parents should come, visit them and stay for maximum period permissible by the local law of land and enjoy some fruits of their labor. There are equal number of parents come to join  their children's family in helping them in house warming, child birth or spending time with grand children during their summer holidays.

You may easily recognise such visitors Moms in Sari with heavy Mangal Sutra  and Papa with typical Indian attire walking on roads, shopping ares, places of tourits attraction under children's Guidance! Their relatives in India envy them that how lucky they are ! But if you closely observe the situation is very most of the cases husband and wife both works to lead a comfortable life and payback EMI of house. The couple  has only two days at the disposal in a week, even if  they have decent income, they can hardly afford domestic help, so out of two offs, one goes on taking care of domestic work such as laundry, grocery and other essential shopping,awaiting their attention.So to be very honest, they have only one day to devote to their visiting parents provided they have not to attend some social calls. For some visiting parents five days are very traumatic as they have to remain behind latch key. In most of the US cities, local transportation is not  effective at all. Until you drive yourself, you can not reach to the desired place, due to stringent traffic rules and legal issues, until and unless you are very very efficient you may not be able to drive. It is true that children take some leave during their parents visit for some sort of outing, road trip, tourist destination but it is also not possible so frequently.

So, how these Non Resident Desi Tourists plan their visit, so that they should enjoy and take back some good memories. Here are some tips :

1. Stay connected with the local community. This is the best way of passing quality time. Visit nearby community centre, library, involve in the activities. You will see that gradually you will start finding people.

2. Before your visit, try to learn the local ascents, it really helps to get connected with locals. I saw many Indians who are comfortable in English reading, writing find very difficult to open conversation with the locals because they are not comfortable with the local ascents. Now a days, lot of ascent tutorials are freely available on YouTube,

3. Before your visit, go  through  all necessary medical check ups, speak to your family doctor, if need arises visit to specialist doctor also, procure medicine for the entire stay period. Abroad, treatment is very costly, medicine are not available without prescription from a local doctor. The local doctor's fees for a single consultation ranges between 6000/- to 12,000/- and appointments also are not easy to get. Even if you have taken your health insurance before performing journey, you should know that medical expenses are reimbursed after your visit in most of the insurance policies, the first consultation is not covered under the insurance policy.

4. Before your trip seriously join Yoga course, this will be of immense help to you, doing regular Yoga will keep diseases at bay, it will also help you to be popular in local community.

5. Spent your time in enjoying quality literature. It will keep you engaged.

6. When you are in Rome look like Romans, it will help you to get mingled with locals. Try to get dressed like the locals and see the difference. The Indian ladies who wear Indian dress invite un-necessary attention, avoid that.

7. The problem with Indians visiting abroad is that they search there own kind of food every where, it is true that in all major cities across the globe you will find Indian eating places they are damn pricey, try the local stuff, it will be cheap and you can taste the local flavors,even if you are vegetarian do not get scared, plenty of veg food is available, in US Vegan is a big movement, try Vegan dishes they are vegetarian to the hard core ( as Vegan even do not use Milk and Milk products also).

8. Most of the cloths we are comfortable in India, may not be suitable in American and European climate, do not carry trunk load from India, try to buy only few pairs locally, you will feel comfortably.

9. Respect local sentiments , you will be admired and respected.



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