egg hunt

A local real estate agent runs an Easter Egg hunt each year.  This was our first (and last, as it's only for ten and under) and the kids had a great time.  R knew he wouldn't be able to run (with the cast) or eat (dairy allergy) any of the eggs but still wanted to participate.  Big brother got bonus eggs and I took fooze balls and fruit bursts to trade.  It was very well run.  Each kid 6-10yrs, ran and grabbed one ball each, then ran through a roped off maze bit and traded their ball for an egg.  Then they did it all over again.  The smaller kids could have Mum or Dad help them and were in a totally separate spot.  There were free hot cross buns on a bbq, a coffee vendor (thank goodness), a clown and a fairy, and of course the Easter Bunny himself.


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