Today I am exhausted. Had a rubbish night's sleep as B worked till the wee hours and I didn't go to bed till late. Then the cat (grrrrr) woke me up around two and I lay awake for an hour till 3am wishing for sleep. Finally I got up and read a library book. It was one that I read about on someone's blog recently (wish I could remember who) and I love it.
The Family Dinner by Laurie David, it has lots of ideas for meals and ways to connect with your family and friends over food. As I was reading it I realised that if B wasn't going to be around for dinner, then sometimes we were going to need to make an effort at breakfast time.

So this morning, despite the general lack of energy I was feeling, we set the table prettily for our slow cooker porridge (recipe here). We folded the napkins like envelopes (a suggestion from the book), wrote wee love notes for each other and slipped them inside.
The boys loved writing and reading their notes. Actually I think we all did. It was just a beautiful way to start the day. We talked about the best and worst thing that happened yesterday. Mine were going to the movies with Pippa to see About Time (a lovely film) and struggling to take decent family photos in the glarey afternoon sun (sorry about that Hannah). Some interesting things about school came up that we might be needing to follow up on... hmmmm.
Little brother got the star plate for the second time this week. Today for being an awesome dead bird disposal person! Despite the three bells on his collar, our evil/lovely cat has a bad bird killing habit :o( Not sure if I'd want to get a cat again. Anyway I wanted to mention the red bowl too. It's a new thing that's just for #2 to protect him from the badness that is cow's milk. In the recent school holidays he accidentally ate big brothers weetbix... will do a post on it sometime later in the week. Let's just say he's still very allergic.
These are my favourite cookbooks at the moment... what are yours?
Any new suggestions always welcome.