We were woken far too early by the boys, still on NZ time, and these laughing kookaburras at the resort. There was a very cute mama and baby there.
After realising that there was no way the boys would go back to sleep we got into our exercising gear and headed down to the beach to get sweaty. It was lovely and not too hot at seven am.
We'd decided to hold off going to the theme parks until the Monday, so we had the weekend to explore. We ate our lunch time picnic near Surfers which was overrun with schoolies and roadworks.

It is only the second place we've ever been that this guy could choose anything he liked (thanks to vegan cafe Cosset for being the other).

The boys had ice creams (berry/banana and coconut/vanilla) and we made plans to come back for dinner later in the week. Sadly they changed their hours on us so that 3pm was the new closing time and we had to make it breakfast on our last day instead.
Jet lag was a bit of a killer that first day.
Just in case you thought we were all super health nuts (with the exercising and the vegan food) this is what we had for dinner... MEAT (and salad). The resort had nine barbecues which anyone could use.