gold coast day 7

We spent our final full Gold Coast day back at Dreamworld (and Whitewater World).  We'd done most of the rides on the first two days so wanted to check out the Aussie wildlife area and then go on a few of our favourites again.

There were lizards like this one just roaming about the place.

Luckily the crocodiles weren't free to roam!  They were big and powerful and a little scary.  It made me think of the late great Steve Irwin and his croc handling family.  It was cool to watch them being fed.

 This baby one was more manageable... it's jaws were tied shut for the photo session.

The koalas were lovely and the keeper's talk pretty interesting too.  The boys posed for pictures with a koala, a croc, an owl and a snake.  We also got an old fashioned family photo done (a Wild West theme) which I'll have to photograph and blog here later.

Look no hands!

We finished our day with fish and chips on Mermaid beach.  Our plan was to go to the Clean Kitchen cafe but they'd changed their hours so that they weren't open for dinner any more (boo).  So we had greasy rather than healthy food.  It was pretty good even though it got dark, and a bit cold, on the beach very early.


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