Family Mission Control Center + DIY Video

Hello, hello! Well, finally, here is my long awaited, super cool kitchen project I promised to share with you.
B E L O W   IS   MY   DIY   V I D E O
In the picture below, you can see the in-wall microwave and oven combo.
Ok, so here are the nuts and bolts to this story. Our "in wall" microwave broke down over the summer, the replacement cost was ridiculously high, so we opted to get a stainless steel countertop microwave instead. This lead me to an idea....why not add a flat screen tv in it's place. When I pitched this idea to my husband, he loved it. So off we went to Lowes to get some wood and screws. We pretty much had everything else.
 So we removed the microwave.
 My husband built a small shelf to hold the sound bar. Then he added a wood piece so he could mount the mounting bracket to hold the flat screen TV.
And then all we had to do was install the tv and connect everything and we were was that simple. We did a heat check and set the oven to 450 degrees to see if heat would be a factor, but the inside space stayed nice and cool.

Having a TV in my kitchen is helpful on so many levels, which you will see if you have time to watch my video above.
It really adds the WOW factor to the kitchen. When we have people over....they LOVE this idea. It looks like it was meant to be there.
 The laptop sits in the above cabinet, and we have a wireless keyboard that we can pull out when needed, although my husband programmed the computer to follow voice commands, which you will see in my video. So, I rarely need the keyboard.
I absolutely love this edition to the kitchen. 
There is an app called Picniic, it is the next generation family organizer, and this was the inspiration for my idea. ~ We now have a place to access our family calendar, get recipes, post pics, leave messages for family members, chores/to-do list, grocery list, have contacts and phone numbers all in one place, plus much more. Please check out that app, if you have a busy family like mine, you will want this app.
I hope you liked our Family Mission Control Center...that's what we call it, ha!
Thanks for visiting!


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