DIY Spray-Painted Canning Lid Pumpkins + Video

Hello!  Today, I am sharing a DIY project that's not only fun to put together, but inexpensive to make.
 Here's how I made these pumpkins> 
I love crafting projects and these are so simple to make.
I got all my supplies from Walmart. You'll need the following:
Canning Lids, Spray-paint , Yarn to tie the rigs together once they are dry, Scissors, Cinnamon Sticks for the pumpkin stem, and a glue gun.
 I spray painted my rings the metallic color first, let that dry, and then did a light coat of orange on the top. I tried to do a spotty job, as I wanted the pumpkins to have the appearance or variance of different shades.
So, some rings are darker in color, while others are lighter. It doesn't need to be perfect. Once you get the rings spray-painted and dry, you'll take your yarn and place the rings on the yarn like a bracelet. Pull them together in a circle and tied it tight, and then you can arrange your rings. 
 Next, you'll want to hot glue three cinnamon sticks together for the stem, and then put a bead of glue around the base of the stem and place it directly in the middle of your pumpkin.
You can take the lid and spray paint it and glue it to the bottom of the pumpkin to have a flat surface, but I decided not to do that, I preferred it the other way.  I just wanted to show you that you can do this, if you like.
You can add raffia and tie a bow around the stem, add some fall leaves and hot glue those around the stem, whatever you like. I kept mine simple and tied the yarn in a bow around the stem.
Aren't these pumpkins cute?
You can leave the rings more open, or have them closer together. You can place burlap through the rings and have it scrunched inside which looks adorable, or even place some orange light through the rings and then move your rings into place.
Simple. Simple. Simple.
You y'all like this project, thanks for visiting. 


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