From last so many years, a question bothers me, where is News on all the news channels in India.
The moment you open any news channel, chances are you will find a moderator cum anchor asking questions from his panelists, in these discussions panelists speaks so loudly together, howling, accusing, making third rate personal allegations that you will hardly know what is happening there, and the anchor crucify without any solid evidence. And surprise of surprises is most of the panelists are same on almost all the news channels.
Particularly on Hindi news channels, you will find stories on ghosts, twin face animal, long footage on fight between film stars like Kangana - Hritik, tracing fake historical or religious sites (sick), Hitler's lost treasures etc etc
In between many important issues do not find any space on these channels.
There are burning questions (yes on Times Now you will find fire on question in the literal sense) raged over allegations against Sonia Rajiv on some National Herald or Augusta deal some time some other 4 and but real fire burning forests will hardly given issue. Recently, in Titalgarh, Odisha temperature soared above 48 degree centigrade but it did not find any big mention at any news channel except ABP.
Delhi is on way of becoming Shanghai in terms of pollution, Supreme Court has already passed order to either convert them in CNG or withdraw it from road. But instead of reprimanding the drivers, channels are emphasising more on chakka jam by errand drivers. Nirvana case eaten footage of all channels but similar rapes are either gone not worth mentioning or only casual mention.
The government estimates that approximately 33 crore people have been victim of severe drought, and reportedly Rs 360 crore were paid as bribe in Augusta helicopter deal. My point is which is more critical news and the channels needs to probe what the government machinery doing to handle the situation and what are the preemptive steps to be taken by administration so that such situation should not arise.
This is the high time for channels to suspend all evening debates, send reporters to drought effected areas, raise awareness, raise relief funds, corner the lax officials, use the immense power of this medium to work for the real human cause.
Will they do it, now nation want to know tonight (no pun intended).
This is high time for channels to step behind smoke screen of political hot air and take a call, confront real raging fire.