You might remember I mentioned in an update on the post I wrote about the city (kill) animal care & control facility in Lytle Texas HERE that one of my readers, Amy, was going to adopt sweet Nanny! Amy just so happens to also live in New Hampshire. She, her husband and two young sons live about an hour north of us. They recently lost their beloved rescue dog of ten years. Amy told her boys that their dog, Dora, had gone to heaven and was now an "angel dog." About a month after Dora's passing Amy's youngest, Lee, asked her when Dora was going to stop being an angel dog and come back and be their real dog :( Amy was thinking of adopting again in the fall, but when she happened upon the post I did on the Animal Care & Control in Lytle which featured Nanny, and she saw this sweet face (below) and the same soulful eyes that their Dora had had, she was in love and just wanted her "home."
Nanny was originally scheduled to arrive in New England on the 14th of May with Greg from Rescue Road Trips animal transport. We had made plans with Amy to join her at the transport arrival point to meet and see Nanny walk off the transport and into her new life. A few days before the 14th, I received an S.O.S. email from Alice Lang, the amazing volunteer adoption coordinator for Lytle Animal Care & Control. She told me that Greg's transport vehicle had been involved in an accident (thankfully NO dogs were on board and his driver had to have a few stitches, but wasn't seriously hurt) and because of the accident the transport was going to be a week behind schedule and Nanny would be arriving the next Saturday on the 21st of May. That day was Amy's son's 7th birthday party and invitations had been sent, the party site reserved, and the party planned so they weren't going to be available to pick up Nanny. So, of course, I JUMPED at the chance to pick Nanny up for Amy and her family last Saturday! As I've mentioned, it takes a village to rescue even one dog and we were very happy and honored to be a part of Nanny's village!
Nanny was originally scheduled to arrive in New England on the 14th of May with Greg from Rescue Road Trips animal transport. We had made plans with Amy to join her at the transport arrival point to meet and see Nanny walk off the transport and into her new life. A few days before the 14th, I received an S.O.S. email from Alice Lang, the amazing volunteer adoption coordinator for Lytle Animal Care & Control. She told me that Greg's transport vehicle had been involved in an accident (thankfully NO dogs were on board and his driver had to have a few stitches, but wasn't seriously hurt) and because of the accident the transport was going to be a week behind schedule and Nanny would be arriving the next Saturday on the 21st of May. That day was Amy's son's 7th birthday party and invitations had been sent, the party site reserved, and the party planned so they weren't going to be available to pick up Nanny. So, of course, I JUMPED at the chance to pick Nanny up for Amy and her family last Saturday! As I've mentioned, it takes a village to rescue even one dog and we were very happy and honored to be a part of Nanny's village!

So, last Saturday Dan and I, along with the three girls, drove a couple of hours south to one of Rescue Road Trip's drop-off locations in Putnam, Connecticut. We were given a 30 minute window for the transport's arrival. Standing there waiting for the transport (with all the other people waiting on their new furry loves to arrive) and then seeing it pull into the parking lot is such an exciting moment.
Greg of Rescue Road Trips welcoming all the adopters.
Greg was being filmed for a documentary that is being produced about him. So deserving. He is a wonderful, nice man and his work is a gift to so many.
The adopters with their new loves.
Nanny taking her first step into New England!
Nanny rode in a crate on the drive back to the farmhouse. She did great and is a perfect "honorary-sister" to Ella, Magnolia and Louise, don't you agree?! Amy and family were to meet us at the house later that evening.
While Nanny was gorgeous (look at that brindle coat and her butterscotch eyes) and sweet, she was quiet and reserved and really didn't wag her tail much at all. We attributed it to everything she had been through the last several days. As with all of our southern dogs she had never seen a stair before and didn't know how to go up or down, but after a while of following the girls she was starting to get the hang of it.
Nanny with her honorary-sister pink bow to match the girls pink collars.
I knew from the first time I saw Nanny that she was Louise's twin- in looks and sweetness. Although Louise's ears are down in this photo you can still see how much they look alike. They both have the same intense butterscotch eyes.
A little "love gift" filled with treats and toys for Nanny!
We sat on the front porch waiting for Nanny's new family to arrive. It was all so exciting! The second the boys got out of the car Nanny started wagging her tail. It was so obvious that she knew these were her "people!" It was magical to see how she reacted to every member of the family.
Amy with her precious boys Earl (the 7-year-old birthday boy) and (3-year-old) Lee meeting/kissing Nanny for the first time! (Ella is always part of the welcoming committee;)
Love the way sweet Nanny is looking at Earl in this photo... like she can't believe her eyes that he belongs to her and she belongs to him... forever. Little Lee is in the background loving on Louise!
After a quick martini-powered tour;) through the farmhouse with Amy we made our way outside and when they opened the back of their SUV Nanny immediately jumped on her new bed pad and laid down. She looked and acted like she had done that for years. Nanny knew they were her forever family.
Lee hugging Nanny. That adorable smile sums it up and says it all! Nanny is one lucky little girl now. Thank you to Amy, Rob, Earl and Lee for adopting and loving sweet, precious Nanny!
Check out these other precious pups at the Lytle Animal Shelter that need a home.... your home, maybe?!!
Click on their names above the photo to find more information, and don't forget to click the video box to see their individual videos.
This sweet tiny angel girl was dumped with her pillow at a cellphone store in Texas just days ago. She is quiet, calm and loves to be held and cuddle. Love her!!
Like Nanny was Louise's double, this little lab/pit mix is Magnolia's twin. You have no idea how I am trying to figure out how I can fit her/four dogs in my car;) I adore this little one. She is already in Vermont! The family that adopted her had a cat and after being adopted Raisen decided she didn't like living with a cat;) So she needs a cat-less home. Her adoption fee is only $170 since her transport has already been paid. Watch her video of her playing to see how cute she is! She looks so much like Magnolia that I can hardly stand it.
Those ears.... the cuteness... too much!
Beautiful girl. You can see in her eyes she's a smart girl.
Love her coloring.
This is one sweet, sweet girl.
Her previous owner turned little Colleen in because she was pregant, and then wanted to pick another dog (no, that did NOT happen).) Can you even believe that?? She just wants to be loved. Adore her "smile!"
Precious little Tyra. I think she needs a tiara! What a doll.
So handsome!
I could carry Jeremy in my purse! Adorable!
That face! This boy is a prince of a dog and is a great size- only about 5 lbs more than our girls. Read about him!
Gorgeous sweet girl! Watch her video, she is so beautiful!
Precious Tessa. I should show her to Bunny Williams as she looks just like the rescue dogs that Bunny adopts!
Puppy preciousness! He needs a happy ending after his sad start... read little Danny's story.
Sweet, precious boy!
Opt to adopt!!!