Monday, May 30, 2016 Amazon favorite Hashtag Loyalty off line marketing Online marketing Payback India How to retain customers in this highly competitive age Whenever I walk into a mall or a bazar shop on any week day, I hardly notice customers there. When I enquire comes the quick reply online pl...
12:52:00 AM cholesterol favorite LDL Surprisingly Cholesterol Is Not Our Enemy Veer Sanghvi is a renowned food columnist and writes about food ranging from regional to global. He has recently tried to prove on the basis...
Saturday, May 28, 2016 bedroom favorite home hot pink textiles Bedroom Inspiration : Hot Pink BedSpreads Bright and Bold: Turquoise Bedroom with Pink Otomi Bedspread Pink Bedroom HOt PInk Rose bedspread Cool and Casual : Hot pink throw Summer su...
Friday, May 27, 2016 dog rescue favorite home for the love of Nanny You might remember I mentioned in an update on the post I wrote about the city (kill) animal care & control facility in Lytle Texas HER...
Thursday, May 26, 2016 artist homes California favorite home the home of The Home of... Keiko and Malachi I love this chilled out apartment in Pasadena, CA that I found over at Design Sponge . The home belongs to Cartoonist Keiko Brodeur and Ill...
Tuesday, May 24, 2016 stylish Less Is More... My new montrachet... "Simplicity is true elegance" ... all images via