I don't imagine our family are alone in spending too much time online or in front of the TV. We have a computer in our kitchen which is awesome and awful at the same time. I usually have it on and check my email and blog reader several times a day, and it's so handy to look things up.
Anyway I'm quite aware that it's not good role modelling or parenting. We don't let the boys use it except for Skyping the rellies, but they see us on it constantly.
Yesterday we switched it off for the day and it felt really good. We spent the morning at the zoo and biking around Western Springs, had some quiet time after lunch before launching into a bit of baking and pasta making.
B and 2 made pasta using our old faithful cookbook (Jamie Oliver's The Naked Chef - a wedding present) with 6 eggs and approx 500g of flour. The recipe said five eggs but they were a little on the small side.
Into the mixer they went and soon we had some crumbly sticky dough.

Kneading was a shared job but mainly needed DaddyB's strength. Then they rolled it through our (bargain) machine and put it through the cutters. We had delicious fresh pasta for tea and there was heaps left which we hung over a string in the kitchen and it was dry by this morning. So we've got home made pasta in the pantry now, so satisfying.