buyer beware

Okay so I'm a label reader.  It goes with the territory when you have a kid with a serious food allergy.  So when I fed this raspberry jam to our four year old recently I checked the ingredients.  Raspberry and sugar, sweet, no dairy in that... or so I thought (cue ominous music).  He had a number of pikelets with jam for afternoon tea and then didn't feel like his dinner (not like him, he usually is asking for seconds and thirds!).  Later that night I found him asleep in a bed covered with vomit, oh lovely.  Anyway a couple of days later I notice that on the top of the jam it mentions that it's made with a "knob of butter"!  Now I can't tell if that's what caused R to throw up or not that night.  There's no way to tell without trying it again... which we won't be doing in case he has a much worse reaction.  Bloody sneaky labelling if you ask me.  Not impressed with Pope Jam.


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