school holidays - week one

 Yes boys you can spend your money on lollies at the dairy.

Day one... no sport... no need to get out of bed hurray!  The boys crawled into our bed too and we all read books together (actually the kids were reading Horrible Histories with the Zinio library app - free magazines).  It was blissful.

 Day two: fishing, geocaching and rock pooling.  Biggest geocache ever!

Day three: Took the boys and their friends to the wave pool and hydro slides.  Three hours of entertainment for $4 each!  Had to stop for a wee play in a new playground on the way home.  Kids tired but happy.

Day Four: guitar practice (he's giving it up next year)

  Day five and six: library and then a lovely visit from cousin Ben and Uncle Matt

Days 7 -9: All about the football tournament... Nationals baby! We were well and truly outclassed though, next year we'll know better than to get ourselves into a tournament with teams two grades above us!  Oops. 


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