Indo Pak Relations Can Be Improved Via Nan & Curry

Precisely 58 years back India under British rule was divided into two countries viz., India and Pakistan.  Pakistan was created purely on the basis of religion under leadership of as its founding father Mohd Ali Jinnah  lead a movement for creation of separate nation for Muslims. On the contrary,  India chosen  secular path. In last 58 years 2 bloody wars were fought between the two nations in 1965 and 1971. The 1971 war resulted into creation of Bangladesh culled out of Pakistan, which has probably proved futility of creation of Pakistan on the basis of religion but till now this realisation has not percolated in political and religious class. 

Pakistan even after defeat in 1971 war with India, continue to pursue its anti India policies, its sole motive is to see India bleed, for that it is engaged into a low cost war tactic by means of infiltration of terrorists, providing support to Kashmiri Separatists, raking Kashmir issue at every possible international forum.

India has progressed in terms of science, technology, trade and finance, and made its presence felt across the globe as a serious player in world politics. On the contrary , Pakistan instead of concentrating on economic reforms, industrial growth, improving quality of agriculture,  focused more on military buildup, allowing religious extremism. It now  carry negative image across the globe due to its constant support to religious fanatics and allowing its soil as a breeding ground for  Jehadists. Though most of the people who constitute  today's Pakistan share same roots which an average India possesses but over a period of 58 years, Pakistan Government has gradually tried to imitate Arabian way of life though it does not suits to its  cultural milieu.After 9/11,  all across the globe Pakistan's image has suffered a big blow, now it is seen as a rogue nation. Pakistanis feel embarrassed calling themselves as Pakistani rather feel safe to be called as Desi, the word broadly used for Indian, Pakistan, Bangladeshis everywhere. 

Pakistan never leave any opportunity to rake Kashmir issue in various international forums just to embarrass India. I do no know why India which is far superior to Pakistan in all respect does not handle it appropriately. Both the nations are matured by now, they should realize that they can not demolish each other. Creation of Pakistan is a reality, It is now a time, India should handle it in a much more professional manner. If Pakistan continue to harbor your criminals and economic offenders give it befitting reply, it should not be in the words but your action should speak. In case it is trying push terrorists into you soil, your action should reflects not the loud mouth. 

I missed opportunity in seeing drama of Kashmiri separatist  continued few days back regarding their  intend to meet Pakistani officials, my humble request to Government of India is to forfeit their nationality and asked them to live in a country of their choice.

But today I did find a very different  perspective of India Pak relations. Their is a famous restaurant   in Renton area of Seattle , its name is Naan N Curry. It serves Indian and Pakistani food. Its owner is Mr Juneja, who migrated from Pakistan.It is so famous in the area that there is always waiting crowd to grab a table. When we enter, we were delighted to listen to hit filmi songs of forties, folks of India as well as Pakistan. Many pictures of Taj Mahal, street scenes of Lahore, old Delhi to evoke nostalgia. The food on the Menu card was representing true common heritage of India and Pakistan.Both Indians as well as Pakistanis enjoying food culled out from their common cultural heritage. Apart from food, dress, Singers, films of both side enjoyed by people. So for 58 years Pakistan has professed and practiced policy of hate towards India,but if it adopt the path of  encouraging common heritage for a change probably it can secure better future for coming generation.            


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