

  A portrait of our children, once a week, every week, in 2014 8 - Strange old toilets in Taupo 10 - In rented waders at the river about to ...
Dreaming of Italy...

Dreaming of Italy...

Who wouldn't want to take a trip to the heart of Southern Italy and stay in this place?! One of my top favorite designers  James Waterwo...


A portrait of our children, once a week, every week, in 2014 10 - Playing us a lovely tune at Motat. 8 - "This is my favourite part Mum...
breakfast of champions

breakfast of champions

Six weetbix and milk!  We had four hungry boys at our place this morning post sleepovers.  Our two usually eat three weetbix and then a coup...


A portrait of our children, once a week, every week, in 2014 8 - Both boys loved having little cousin Samuel here for the week.  This guy co...
Sunday Favorites...

Sunday Favorites...

I love coming across images that bring joy to my soul! all images via Some of the simplest things in life can be the most beautiful.
turning 10

turning 10

In July our oldest reached the double digits.  We decorated the table with wrapped pressies for him to open in the morning and strung up the...


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