February 2014 Vegetable Garden Seed Give-A-Way at The Rusted Garden: Follow Me on Instagram and Twitter to Win

February 2014 Vegetable Garden Seed Give-A-Way at The Rusted Garden: 
Follow Me on Instagram and Twitter to Win

To promote my garden blog and YouTube channel, I will be giving away vegetable seeds through 2014 and other items that are hopefully of interest. This will be a monthly event.

February's 2014 Give-A-Way!
7 Packs of Tomato Seeds

Aussie 1-2 Pound Heirloom
Cherokee Purple Heirloom
Baxter's Bush Cherry
Abe Lincoln Heirloom
Black Krim Heirloom
Brandywine Red Heirloom
Black Cherry (Cherry)

I will be sending out a Tweet on Sunday February 9th. The first person to re-tweet  MY TWEET that day, will win the seeds. It will show up in my email in order of re-tweet with a time stamp. Good Luck!

Seed Give-A-Way: The Rusted Garden 2014

To be eligible for the prizes, please follow The Rusted Garden on Twitter or please follow The Rusted Garden on Instagram. I will send out a Tweet or Instagram stating a prize is available and how to win it. 

Most likely, I will just be taking the first response to the prize Tweet or Instagram photo. Simple and easy.
I wish you all a great year of family and gardening in 2014. 

Gary (The Rusted Garden)

Join My New YouTube Channel Just for NEW Gardeners: My First Vegetable Garden

Join My Google+ Community Our Tomato and Vegetable Gardens (2500+ Members!)
250 HD Short and to Point Garden Videos: My YouTube Video Gardening Channel
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