- It will add organic matter to your soil and improve the structure and life of your soil
- It will fix or add nitrogen to your soil organically and reduce the need for fertilizers
- It will control weeds and prevent rain erosion
- It will attract beneficial insects to your garden (leave a patch growing so it blossoms)
- It is a winter crop and best planted when the nights are below 60 degrees
- A good planting time in Zone 7 is September or October
- It should have 4-6 weeks of growth time before your first hard frost arrives
- The seed should be inoculated (coated) with legume inoculate. Many seeds come pre-inoculated
- Broadcast the seeds into your beds and rake them in to about 1/4 -1/2 inch deep and water
- Turn the plant into the earth in April, about 2 weeks before planting your crops
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