Planting Mesclun Leaf Lettuces and Fall Lettuces:
Basic Scatter Plot Method
Lettuces and most greens are cool weather vegetables. You can plant them in the spring and fall, in many areas. Many greens can stand up to light frosts and taste a lot better with cold weather. I am in Maryland Zone 7 and now is a great time to plant another round of lettuce.
You can grow lettuce in row flower boxes, in other containers and of course in the ground. You can grow lettuce to full heads which requires more spacing and time until harvest or you can plant the seeds using a scatter plot method.
Scatter plot planting is best used for leaf lettuces not head forming lettuces. The scatter plot is used for early leaf picking for baby to mid sized leaves. When your lettuce leaf gets to size, clip off the leaves and leave the roots in the ground. You will get more leaves to harvest later. You can do this until the temperatures finally take your plants.

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