60 Seconds or Sow:
A New Vegetable Gardening Series
to Quickly Provide Information
I started a vegetable gardening series called 60 Second or Sow. Yes a play on the word so. I figure your time is valuable and I designed this series to cover various vegetable gardening topics in about a minute or so. I have 26 videos in the series, all but 1 is about 60 seconds or sow...
I plan to add several 60 Second or Sow videos each month as a topic arises in my garden. The video are usually relevant to what is immediately going on in Zone 7 gardens at any given moment. However, they are relevant to all gardening Zones through out the globe.
Please check out my YouTube Channel found at this link: YouTube Channel: The Rusted Garden
If you find my YouTube Channel useful please subscribe and I could really use help in getting the word out to other gardeners. I would appreciate any help in spreading the word through your social media connections to... that I have a vegetable gardening YouTube Channel. Thanks!
Here are some sample 60 Second or Sow videos that you might find useful as well as the titles of the other 26 videos.
60 Seconds or Sow: How to Use Baking Soda to Fight Powdery Mildew - The Rusted Garden Blog
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 5 months ago
This is nearly a 60 second video that teaches you how to use dish detergent and baking soda to manage powder mildew in you ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: Identifying the Male & Female Cucumber Flowers - The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 2 weeks ago
In 60 seconds or so... I show you how to identify the male and female cucumber flowers. All flowers on cucumber plants DO NOT ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: Swiss Chard - A 3 Season Vegetable: The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 10 months ago
In 60 second or sow, I introduce you to a cool weather vegetable that grows through all three seasons. If you haven't grown Swiss ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: Identifying the Squash Bug & Squash Bug Eggs - The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 1 month ago
In 60 seconds or so... quickly learn to identify the squash bug and the eggs it lays. You have to inspect the upper and lower leaves ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: Identifying and Treating Japanese Beetles - The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 2 weeks ago
In 60 seconds or so... I show you how to identify Japanese beetles and discuss treatment options. They are one of the more easier ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: Use Cedar Shims to Label Your Vegetable Garden - The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 4 months ago
In 60 seconds or so I share a method to mark your garden plants. Cedar shims are inexpensive and can be found at most large ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: Using Purple Coneflower to Attract Pollinating Insects - The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 1 week ago
In 60 seconds or so... I talk about attracting pollinating insects to your garden. Many garden vegetables like cucumbers, squash, ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: Killing Snails and Slugs with Iron Phosphate - The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 4 months ago
In 60 seconds or sow, I explain to you how to use iron phosphate in your garden to kill and control snails and slugs. It is simple ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: Lettuce Decoys to Manage Rabbit Pests - The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 1 month ago
In 60 seconds or sow... I discuss a strategy to use 'decoy' plants to minimize rabbit damage in your garden. Nothing fancy, just a ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: First Leaves or True Tomato Leaves, What are They? - The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 4 months ago
In 60 seconds or sow, I show you the difference between first leaves and true leaves on tomato seedlings. First leaves are the ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: Acclimating Indoor Tomatoes Outdoors with Milk Containers: The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 3 months ago
In 60 seconds or so... I explained to you why indoor tomato plants have to be acclimated or slowly introduce to the outdoors and ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: All About Determinate Tomatoes /Massive Fruiting- The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 2 weeks ago
There are two basic kinds of tomatoes. There are indeterminate and determinate tomatoes. Determinate varieties like the 'Baxter ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: Container Determinate Tomatoes & Massive Fruiting - The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 1 month ago
In 60 seconds or so... I show you determinate tomatoes and how many flowers they produce... all at once! Well over 100 flowers ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: How to Use Foil Trays for Easy Garden Plant Management - The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 5 months ago
This is nearly a 60 second garden video that shows you how to use and recycle aluminum food trays as a way to manage your ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: How to Perfectly Prepare Your Seed Cells for Germination - The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 5 months ago
In about 60 seconds I show you how to prepare and pack your seed cells perfectly to help your vegetable or flower seeds germinate- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: Identifying Tomato Suckers for Pruning
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 2 months ago
In 60 seconds or so... I show you how to identify tomato 'suckers' in the joints of leaf branches and the main growing tomato ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: Save TIme Grow Cucumbers & Squash in Cups as Transplants - The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 3 months ago
In 60 seconds or so... I explain a concept of starting cucumbers, peas, squash and other vine crops in cups outdoors. This practice- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: What is a Potato Leaf Tomato? - The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 3 months ago
In 60 seconds or so... I show you what a potato leaf tomato is. The leaf of course resembles a potato leaf. They are often found on ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: Harvesting Red Russian Kale Flowers as a Biennial - The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 2 months ago
In 60 seconds or so... I am going to describe how you harvest kale flowers for salads. Kale is biennial that while over winter in ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: Milk Containers for Tomato Frost Protection - The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 3 months ago
Milk containers have many uses. One use is as a frost protection barriers. A milk carton with the lid on it will provide several ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: Preventing Seedling 'Damping Off' Disease Using Cinnamon - The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 5 months ago
This is nearly a 60 second garden video to show you how to use cinnamon and its anti-fungal properties to prevent or stop ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: What is Tomato Leaf Sunscald & Prevention Tips: The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 3 months ago
In about 60 seconds or so... I show you what tomato leaf sunscald is, explain why it happens and briefly talk about how to prevent ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: The White Moth and Green Cabbage Loopers - The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 3 months ago
This is not by any means an exciting video. But in 60 seconds or so... you can see the white moth that lays cabbage looper ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: What is Bolting Lettuce/Greens? - The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 1 month ago
In 60 seconds or so... I describe the process of 'bolting'. Lettuce and other greens are cool weather crops. When the warm ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: How to Use Aspirin to Strengthen Tomato Defenses (SAR) - The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 5 months ago
This is nearly a 60 second video that explains how the salicylic acid in aspirin can be used to bolster the defenses of your tomato ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: Identifying & Controlling Flea Beetles on Eggplants - The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 1 month ago
In 60 seconds or so... I show you how to identify and treat flea beetles on Eggplants. Other vegetables will also get flea beetles.- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: Tomato Blossom End Rot & An Egg Shell Solution - The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 3 months ago
In 60 seconds or so... I explain to you what tomato blossom end rot is, why it occurs and how to prevent it. Egg shells and lime will ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: What do 10-10-10 and NPK mean on Garden Fertilizer? - The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 4 months ago
Well not quite 60 seconds or so, but as fast as I could. I explain to you what numbers like 9-12-12 and 10-10-10 mean on garden ...- HD
60 Seconds or Sow: Make Your Own Indestructible Onion Sets - The Rusted Garden 2013
- by Gary Pilarchik
- 2 months ago
In 60 seconds or so... I show you just how indestructible onions really are to grow as sets. Any gardener can do this. These onions ...- HD

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