There is no timer to tell you when to water. Sometimes I forget or miss by a day and my cells dry out. Very often the cells to the edge of the seed tray dry out first. It is sort of a casualty warning watering system. A few will show dehydration first and save the others. This is because the water trays slightly curve up and they don't evenly disperse the water to the roots. No worries if you miss by a day. Two days... and worry.
Dried Out Oregano: Gary Pilarchik |
Dried Out Snapdragons: Gary Pilachik |
I filled the trays with water in the morning and when I got back from work... good as new. Now they will be stressed and probably grow a little slower but in the long run they will be fine.
Re-hydrated Oregano: Gary Pilarchik |
Re-hydrated Snapdragons: Gary Pilarchik |