My New Year Goals: 75,000 Views and 100 Members and...
I want to thank all the visitors to my blog. It makes gardening that much more enjoyable to know there are millions of us out there. There is something so basic and rewarding about digging in the earth and eating from it. Not the worms but from the seeds we plant in it (blog entry joke). I only hope to help more people discover that simple pleasure.
Winter is next Thursday. The New Year is 12 days away. I have some goals this year. Some goals I need help with and would hope you could help me with some of them.
1. I'd like to achieve 75 - 100,000 page view by the close of Summer 2012.
2. I'd like to achieve over 100 members to my blog by the close of Summer 2012.
3. I plan to create a Rusted Garden Facebook page.
4. I plan to attach Twitter to the Rusted Garden.
5. I plan to bring dozens of my own videos to the blog that cover all aspects of gardening.
6. I plan on having 5 things for sale on my blog.
7. I plan to create away for visitors to communicate and share information. That may be Facebook. I have been experimenting with Message Rooms but haven't found one that works well enough.
8. I plan to increase the photos as ways to quickly communicate gardening information and techniques.
9. I plan to write 250 blog entries about gardening by the close of Summer 2012.
10. I would like to create away to link members gardening blogs together is some useful and organized fashion.
Suggestions on how to achieve parts of this are welcome. Please leave ideas here.
PS. Jan 15th starts indoor seed growing. Those perennials take some time to grow!