
Thanks to Roman May

I have been working for this promotion for almost a year, and I finally got it last week. It is one of the greatest feelings in the world to work hard towards a goal that you finally attain. My wife and I celebrated with the nicest dinner we have ever had, and I can honestly say earning this promotion has been one of the most rewarding events of my life. I have worked for the same company for the past seven years, with the last three in a mid-level management position. However, an executive-level position came open about 13 months ago that the company did not fill right away. The company essentially made it a competition between several managers, and I ended up winning the job. The promotion includes a significant salary increase as well as significantly more responsibility. The raise could not come at a better time for our family. We just had our first child, and we are learning how to manage our money with another mouth to feed. We recently switched to fixed-rate energy through in an attempt to save money in the long run, and I have also invested in some short term stocks hoping to earn a profit in the next three years. I feel so excited about my new opportunity.


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