Thursday, August 25, 2011 garden home The Heat of August can Wipe Out Tomato Plants August heat in Maryland will take down tomatoes and other garden plants. Not all tomatoes are effected the same way by heat. The 'Black ...
Monday, August 22, 2011 garden home I Now Have A Fully Functioning Forum For The Rusted Garden Located at the very bottom of this blog is the Rusted Vegetable Garden Forum. It is brand new. It is a Forum which means I set up some discu...
Saturday, August 20, 2011 garden home Russian Ox-heart Heirloom Tomato The large tomato in the picture had to push 16 ounces. This is another great heirloom variety. It is very very prolific. It was pruned hard ...
3:38:00 AM garden home Kale, Whiteflies, and Vegetable Garden Clean Up August is always the time, I lose my energy. This kale went untended for about 7-10 days. You can notice the holes. Not to worry. The kale w...
Friday, August 19, 2011 garden home How to Make Homemade Garden Tomato Juice I had a good year with tomatoes and they are still producing. I guess when you plant 35 or so plants, you need to do something with the toma...
4:33:00 AM garden home Collecting Tomato Seeds: Gel Sac and Fermentation I am continuing to experiment with tomato seed collecting. I will soon publish a full article on the process. Some of the stuff I learned is...
Wednesday, August 17, 2011 garden home My Fall Vegetable Garden is In!: Well Almost... Frost comes in late October early November in my area. I am pushing it with some plants but figured, I'd give it a try. I didn't hav...
Sunday, August 14, 2011 garden home Fall Planting, Ketchup, Barbecue Sauce, and Bloody Marys The weekend was rainy. I had a lot to do. I spent most of my time taking care of the flower beds and the front of the house. When I finally ...
Friday, August 12, 2011 garden home Tomato Profile: The 'Homestead' Heirloom Tomato (Video) The 'Homestead' heirloom tomato gets high marks for being a great 6-8 ounce fruit. Very prolific and it does great in humidty and he...
5:56:00 PM garden home The 'Aussie' Heirloom Beefsteak Tomato: HUGE! 2 Pounds? This is the first year I grew the 'Aussie' heirloom beefsteak tomato. It is outstanding and has now replaced the 'Delicious'...