Today did not get off to a good start. There was a lot of grumping, dawdling and mucking about when the boys were supposed to be getting ready for school and I didn't manage to keep my cool. My cranky voice was raised more than once. Those lovely morning charts did not save us. Finally we made it out the door (about 30 minutes after we wanted to) and the walk/scoot to school was actually nice and not too frantic. I'm loving the transformational power of the walk to school and of this mornings assembly.
I went to assembly because big brother was getting a certificate but little brother got a surprise reward too. At the end of the assembly he was chosen for the kid sitting best and paying attention. He got to have "assembly bear" for his class for the week and as you can see in the photo, he was stoked. He is trying so hard at school and I suspect that's why the wheels come off at home sometimes, maybe because it's a safe place to fall. I look at these photos and wonder how I could get mad at these beautiful boys. I am going to have a wee rest now so I can be a nicer mummy after school, wish me luck.