Today our five year old had his first sausage sizzle and it was awesome. The yummy sausages were from the Westmere Butcher and the bread was grainy and delicious.
Thanks to Allergy NZ for a fun party. There were plenty of kids wearing medic alert bracelets and most people were double checking the ingredients of the soy, nut, egg and dairy free sausages (just in case).
We also had some lovely dark chocolate sorbet. I spoke to another mum who was almost teary to see her boys enjoying chocolate. It was pretty special to be some place that having allergies was normal. So often I struggle with his allergies and at times have to force myself to not think about the "what ifs"... What if another kid gives him something and tells him it's dairy free? What if he feels like rebelling and eats something on purpose? What if he has an anaphylactic reaction and nobody spots it and he doesn't get his epipen in time? See it's not worth thinking about!

However the thought of a big class of five year olds with drippy melting ice creams was kinda terrifying!!! He has had an anaphylactic reactions to tiny bits of dairy before (a chocolate pebble once and a sip of milky coffee another time) so we're pretty sure that any ice cream would necessitate adrenaline and an ambulance trip to the hospital. Luckily they kept him safe and all was well. I must admit I did contemplate keeping him home from school. I know that with him at school I have to let go a little, allow him to be more responsible for himself. With him gone all day I have to trust that he'll be looked after and try not to think about the what ifs...