getting a bit of a sleep in

We're blessed (or cursed) by early waking children.  Six am is pretty good in our place.  Unfortunately B and I always stay up far too late and tend not to want to get up so early (ear plugs in and roll over).  The kids are not allowed to watch tv in the morning either so usually that means they play and are noisy.

A wee while back I bought a $3 pack of markers from the warehouse.  I wrote the boys a note "Mummy and daddy are sleeping in till seven o'clock. Please don't wake us up.  There are new marker pens for drawing and paper..." 

 I also left out some handmade books (just cut paper stapled into a cardboard cover) and the boys made an animal book each.  They were gorgeous and the sleep in divine.   I think I need to do it again soon.


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