First week of the holidays and I'm sick! Actually we're all a bit sick. Some weird virus which involves spots but isn't measles, pox or anything specific. The little one is on antibiotics and steroids (bad asthma), the big one has been grumpy for a week or so and had fluctuating temperatures (but none above 38degrees) and now I'm all exhausted and very dizzy. Grrrrrrr. I was in bed asleep by 7pm last night! Now it's half eight and I'm ready to go back to bed... but of course it's school holidays so there's no chance of that. I think we'll be off to the doctor again today. I was reading about self portraits recently on someone's blog (sorry can't remember who) and thought I'd try some out. They had it like a challenge, shadows one week, eyes one week etc. I'm not so good with keeping up with bloggy challenges though.