Wednesday, June 29, 2016 basket bike bike basket favorite home The Basket Room transport Bike baskets from The Basket Room A few years ago I brought myself a vintage light purple Raleigh bike that came with a basket, which inevitably I decorated with plastic flow...
Tuesday, June 28, 2016 favorite home Give Away Winner Bohemia Wool Pots from Morocco Thank you to all who entered the giveaway! What a lot of entries between here and Instagram! I am happy to an...
Friday, June 24, 2016 garden home Growing Cherry Tomatoes in Containers: Container, Soil, Fertilizers, Planting - A KIS Series (1/3) Growing Cherry Tomatoes in Containers: Container, Soil, Fertilizers, Planting - A KIS Series (1/3) I am starting a new series called KIS or...
12:23:00 PM 26/11 9/11 favorite Immanuel Kant Islamist Jehadi Peter bergen Terrorists United States of Jehadi Peeping In The Mind Of A Terrorist What makes a person a terrorist ? This question haunts governments, psychologists, police, military as well as an ordinary citizen. Many peo...
Wednesday, June 22, 2016 chilled earthy bohemian favorite home natural relaxed the home of The Home of Jessica and Ryan Earthy Ceramic collection including Eye pottery by Martina Thornhill Wooden utensils and Triangle Mirror I really love the relaxed vibe of t...
6:42:00 AM garden home (8 of 9) Growing Tomatoes & Peppers: Side Dressing, Pruning, Suckers, Removing Leaves, Sprays (8 of 9) Growing Tomatoes & Peppers: Side Dressing, Pruning, Suckers, Removing Leaves, Sprays Video #8 of 9 gets your tomatoes and pepp...
6:38:00 AM garden home (7 of 9) Growing Tomatoes & Peppers: Prevention, Splash Barrier, Aspirin & Sprays, Planting (7 of 9) Growing Tomatoes & Peppers: Prevention, Splash Barrier, Aspirin & Sprays, Planting In video #7 I talk about disease preven...
Monday, June 20, 2016 Beatles favorite George Harrison John Lennon Paul McCartney Ringo Starr Rishikesh Beatles : Not So Known Indian Connection Pop Music scene of sixties as well as part of seventies was definitely ruled by Beatles. This British Pop Group had given a new expression ...
2:26:00 PM Barn Room favorite home magazines mantels July/August 2016 Country Living Magazine I am honored to represent New Hampshire in the 50 Dream Rooms - Inspiring Decorating Ideas From Every State issue of Country Living m...
Sunday, June 19, 2016 favorite Rotoroa Island Enjoy these pictures from Rotoroa. The Takahe are in the picture above. From me, the 11 almost 12 year old.
Friday, June 17, 2016 baskets bohemia favorite giveaway home Moroccan morocco Giveaway: Vintage Morocan Wool baskets from Bohemia (Closed) Give away: Vintage Moroccan wool baskets from Bohemia It has been an age since we last did a giveaway here on Moon to Moon so we have teamed...
1:10:00 AM bed bedroom favorite home sleeping porch Sleeping Porch... Screened Porch Bohemian Sleeping Porch Wooden Sleeping Porch I just love the idea of having a sleeping porch.... an outdoor-ish room so i co...
Tuesday, June 14, 2016 bell papper black tame to chive favorite Kale paperika Parisian carrot shishito pepper Exotic Foreign Vegetables Are Now Home Grown In India Gone are the days, when star hotels and top eateries across the country used to import exotic vegetables from different part of world. But n...
Friday, June 10, 2016 constellation current obsession favorite handmade home night sky quilt textiles Current Obsession: Haptic Lab's Constellation Quilt I really, really love this Constellation Quilt from Haptic lab that I found over at Sparton Shop. It would be awesome as a quilt on the bed...
9:44:00 AM favorite "King and Another Country" : Shrabani Basu - Forgotten Tale of Indian Soldiers During World Wars "King and Another Country" : Shrabani Basu “So what did Indians do during the First World War, daddy?” is not a question many ask...
4:30:00 AM Elon Musk favorite Matrix Triology Simulation Theory Tesla Virtual Reality Are We Living In Some Other Civilisation's Simulated Reality : Unfolding Matrix Drama Elon Musk is a US billionaire. He is better known as manufacturer of clean energy Tesla Car as well as some out of box space related project...
Thursday, June 9, 2016 exhibition favorite home interior London Oscar Wilde Old News:19th century designs for satins and silk I have titled this post old news as that is exacatlly what it is.... images of an exhibition that ended a year ago! However, I have only ju...