Tuesday, July 30, 2013 stylish In The Heart Of Madrid... I'm smitten over this stunning apartment in the heart of Madrid, Spain! I love how they incorporated lavish hints of gilded gold along w...
5:59:00 AM garden home Treatment for White Spots or Powdery Mildew on Cucumber, Squash, Melon and Other Plants Treatment for White Spots or Powdery Mildew on Cucumber, Squash, Melon and Other Plants Powdery mildew and other leaf mildews tend to appea...
Monday, July 29, 2013 garden home From Garden to Grill: Grilled Poblano Peppers From Garden to Grill: Grilled Poblano Peppers Copyright 2013 Gary Pilarchik Here is my third installment of From Garden to Grill. You can ...
Friday, July 26, 2013 garden home From Garden to Grill: Round Zucchini Stuffed with Heirloom Tomatoes From Garden to Grill: Round Zucchini Stuffed with Heirloom Tomatoes Copyright 2013 Gary Pilarchik Here is the 2nd installment of my series ...
Wednesday, July 24, 2013 garden home A Late July Container Update: 8 Varieties of Tomatoes & 5 Types of Peppers A Late July Container Update: 8 Varieties of Tomatoes & 5 Types of Peppers A late July update of my container tomatoes and peppers. Som...
4:33:00 PM garden home What are Those Bumps on My Tomato Plant/Stems? What are Those Bumps on My Tomato Plant/Stems? The bumps that appear along the stems of your tomato leaves are root buds or nodes. These ro...
1:10:00 PM stylish Acquired Objects... It's over the top but super cool... all images via I love antique shops and flea markets - it's where you find that true one-of-a-ki...
Sunday, July 21, 2013 stylish Sunday Favorites... I love to take a day out of the week where I focus on having quiet so that I can reflect on things that mean the most. If you think about i...
Saturday, July 20, 2013 stylish A Simple Life... I love how homes are every bit as varied and interesting as their owners. Our homes are a reflection of what's inside of us and I love...
Tuesday, July 16, 2013 stylish Soothing White... This would be an incredible getaway home to clear the mind and senses... all images via Best wishes for a wonderful week!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013 stylish Textures And Lines... I love the textures and lines in this home. It was brilliant how they combined linear elements with the rich texture of the stone. Even th...