Wednesday, November 30, 2011 garden home KNOL: How to Build a Garden Slug Beer Trap This is an updated version of a KNOL article for combating slugs and snails in the vegetable garden. I added to the information and added vi...
11:20:00 AM garden home KNOL: Three Finger Method to Pruning Tomatoes Visted My Youtube Tomato and Vegetable Garden Video Channel: Videos About Everything Vegetable Gardening I plan on creating 50 vegetable gar...
11:15:00 AM garden home KNOL: How to Create a Raised Bed Vegetable Garden Visted My Youtube Tomato and Vegetable Garden Video Channel: Videos About Everything Vegetable Gardening How to Build a Raised Bed Tomat o ...
Monday, November 28, 2011 garden home Ah The Xmas Lights are UP and the Greens are Still Growing I will be updating the blog this week. I started tomato seeds indoors to test germination. I will show you how that is done. I will be selli...
Sunday, November 6, 2011 garden home Fully Frozen Frosted Greens and Lettuces: Bets? It is 6:32 am and I just gained an hour of sleep although technically we subtracted an hour and I slept the same length of time. Here are s...
Tuesday, November 1, 2011 garden home Frost and Lettuces and Greens: They Survive Well, I know what to do to protect against frost. Can't say I did it this time. My tomatoes and peppers are done but the greens and lett...
5:04:00 AM garden home Halloween at the Rusted Garden Not everything is about vegetables. Here are some pictures from Halloween. This is my son before the make-up and my dog before she puts on ...