I planted this plant on April 5th. We had several days of frost and many cold nights. The tomato is large and flowering and I should have to...
Home » Archive for May 2010

Trim Your Trees and Gain an Hour of Garden Light
I n my quest to over-plant, I needed more sunlight. The trees in my yard and neighboring yards have been growing for 10 years. I'm losin...

Thanks for the Help: Air, Circulation and Spacing for Vegetable Gardens
I want to thank everyone that came by. I still have a lot left. I am going to over-plant the gardens I decided. Both flowers and vegetables....

Planting Tomatoes in Large Containers: No Garden No Problem.
How to Grow Tomatoes in an 18 Gallon Storage Container by Gary Pilarchik LCSW-C THE LINK FOR THE ARTICLE WITH PICTURES http://knol.google.co...

Is it to Late for Lettuce Now that it is Warm? Yes and No.
Lettuce is a cool season crop. When it get warm like in the high 80's it prepares to bolt. That is, it turns to flowering and seed produ...

Squash and Zucchini: Controlling the Boring Beetles: Cucumber Beetle
Every year my yellow squash and green zucchini grow wonderfully. I get a decent yield then the boring beetles strike. Always! Always! Always...

Saving Money with Coupons from the Internet
There are a lot of coupons available to help you save money while constructing, maintaining and adding to your garden. It is worth your time...
Rain cancelled the Flea Market: Sale May 29th 8 - 1 pm
Well, I am left with a lot of plants. The rain cancelled the May 23rd Flea Market. Soooo ... I'm am still selling stuff. Typically, I se...
My Growing Closet
I used standard florescent lights from Home Depot. You can see the floor level. Just above that is a table I fit into the closet. Above that...

Community Associate Flea Market: I'm selling plants
The Clarksville Community Association Flea market is Sunday May 23rd from 10 am - 1pm. Located in the Giant Parking Lot. There will be 45 v...

Ten Tomato Tips
From one of my Knol articles. Tomatoes are in the ground now but this weekend and next weekend is typically the mad planting time. The last ...

I Started the Tomato Aspirin Experiment Today
Well... following the other blogs about salicylic acid and boosting tomatoes disease resistance... I started the experiment. I am taking one...
Swiss Chard: Bright Lights Strain.
I have planted this in my garden for the last 2 years. It is prolific and produces all season. I planted mine about 6 weeks ago. Light fros...
Try Kohlrabi! It can go in anytime. Matures quickly.
Kohlrabi is also know as a German turnip. Kohl means cabbage in German. It has a taste like the centers of green cabbage and the stem of bro...

Mulching With Grass Clipping: It's Not Rocket Science But...
Grass clippings make a great mulch and provide your garden with organic matter. They are easy to use as a mulch but there are some considera...
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